Moldova on Bikes

The project "Moldova on Bikes" (August 2021 - July 2022) aims to contribute to the development of the culture and infrastructure of bicycles and alternative means of transport in the Republic of Moldova.

The main goals of the project are:

  • marking of bicycle routes outside Chisinau to several tourist destinations (about 150 km in total),
  • creation of a safe bicycle infrastructure in Chisinau by working with local authorities and advocacy,
  • improving the legislative framework,
  • strengthening and developing the community of alternative transport users through workshops, collaborations, events and thematic meetings.

Among the planned activities are:

  • joint trainings for trolleybus drivers and bike users,
  • velo-mentoring for beginner cyclists,
  • practical bike rides for learning traffic rules,
  • Bike to work month,
  • Car-Free Day,
  • Testing bike paths outside the city.

Are you cycling around the city? Or are you planning to start soon? Here are the most important things to know before you hit the road - to pedal responsibly!

In order to achieve the objectives of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the project "Moldova on bikes" aims to contribute to the following SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals):

  • SDG11: "Sustainable cities and communities": by creating the conditions for comfortable and attractive alternative transport, we can contribute to a more sustainable transport system. A higher share of bikes on the streets will reduce the number of private cars and thus reduce the environmental impact of cities by improving air quality. The project also contributes to "positive economic, social and environmental links between urban, peri-urban and rural areas" (SDG 11). By using touristic bike trails, people from Chisinau will spend more time and money in rural areas. Some people from peri-urban areas might even start commuting by bike.
  • SDG 13 “Climate Action”. In Moldova 70% of emissions come from the energy sector, which includes traffic. In 2017, 28% within those 70% were emitted by traffic. As for total emissions, the share of the transport sector is about 20%, which is comparatively high. Promoting alternative means of transportation could motivate more people to use them - rather than cars.

Contact person:

  • Ana Popa - , 062086535

Project "Moldova on Bikes" is implemented within the project "Support to the Moldovan Government in the implementation of the Agenda 2030" funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ).


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