
Half of the world’s habitable land is used for agriculture, and food production accounts for one-quarter of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. Agriculture is a significant source of damage to our climate, but it’s also one of the most powerful tools we have available to mitigate climate change while adapting to it

  • explore, share and support a diversity of agroecological practices, so that they can be adopted by Moldovan farmers on a large-scale
  • regular live-streams showing positive example from the local agro-community
  • organize trainings and create educational materials
  • provide consultancy and set up experimental demo-plots
  • support a co-op of 5 farmers who grow potatoes using organic agriculture practices in the village of Rîșcova
  • contribute to the creation of Moldova’s first agrifood business incubator for small food producers
  • promote and assist with composting practices
  • organize actions for combating food waste
  • offer greening up services to businesses and CSOs

Useful materials

Looking for information on organic farming practices (and not only)? In the years 2019-2022, within the “InfOrganic” project, implemented by AED, with the financial support of the LED Foundation, we produced many infographics and videos that address a variety of topics, for example:


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