#FoodIsLove campaign

In 2018, one of our goals was to share our passion towards a healthy and eco-responsible diet - a process that was started through the #FoodIsLove campaign. The idea behind the campaign is to shift our perception on the food we consume, understanding it not as the result of hunger and cravings, but also as love - for ourselves, for the communities that produce it, and not least of all, for the planet.

The campaign consisted so far of the following elements:

Good Food from Good People video series 

At the end of the year 2018 we started production on our video series 'Good Food from Good People', meant to promote local farmers, food producers and processors who represent EcoVisio's values. Five protagonists were selected, each of whom will star in a short video (90 seconds) showcasing their main products, the work involved and the brand's backstory. Aside from supporting our #FoodIsLove campaign, these videos are also meant to be a valuable promotional tool for the protagonists themselves.

Latest episode (#5) - Ina Căpățînă (MoBerry), Chișinău & Ialoveni, Ialoveni District

Potato Fest

Potato Fest (October 28, 2018) was co-organized with the town hall and the locals of village Riscova (specializing in potatoes) in order to celebrate this underappreciated vegetable, show how many varieties are available and to promote the local producers.

#FoodIsLove Artwall

The message of our #FoodIsLove campaign is simple and applies to everyone: make the food you eat into a statement of love, both to yourself and to the planet. In order to get this simple message across to more people, we've created a hand-painted 3x4m artwall with the help of an activEco alumna. The artwall focuses on the synergy between us, plant-based foods and the planet as a whole. It was displayed during the 2 days of IarmarEco, where it was very popular as a photo backdrop.

FoodisLove ArtWall

activEco Challenge ”Food for Thought”

A weekend activEco seminar ”Food for Thought” (September 28-30, 2018) was designed to help its participants to build their relationship with food, based on simplicity, balance and trust towards where it comes from.

Fruit Fest Moldova

On August 18, 2018, Chișinău’s UTM park hosted the first edition of Fruit Fest Moldova, an event meant to encourage fruit consumption as part of a healthy diet. Fruit Fest brought together vendors from different parts of the country, all showcasing their good, clean and nutritious produce. Promoting local farmers was another big motivation behind the event, in order to remind buyers that fruits are one of Moldova's best riches. Alongside fresh produce, the visitors also got to choose from a variety of jams, honey, snacks, cosmetic products, as well as fun activities for all ages.

EcoVisio Vegan Hang-outs

Three hang-outs that took place in April-September 2018, giving the vegans of Moldova the opportunity to spend time together, get to know each other better, savour various vegan dishes, learn from special guest-experts, and - why not - introduce new people to the topic!

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Vegan Magazine Moldova


Rîșcova Town Hall


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