Fruit Fest Moldova

On the 18th of August 2018, Chișinău’s UTM park is hosting the first edition of Fruit Fest - a colourful event filled with the tastes of summer, dedicated to Moldova’s finest fruit. The initiative was born out of EcoVisio’s wish to encourage fruit consumption as part of a healthy diet while also showcasing locally grown all-natural fruit.

”At the core of this event is our belief that fruit is a cornerstone of healthy eating. Sadly, they are terribly underrated as one of our country’s riches, something we also strive to correct. We hope to motivate people to consume fruit as often as possible, reminding everyone that our farmers grow exceptional produce”, says Daniela Luca, one of Fruit Fest’s organizers and a project coordinator at EcoVisio.

The festival will bring together vendors from all over the country, happy to share the fruits they’ve grown with lots of care and love for nature. Alongside fresh produce, the stands will greet you with jams, honey, snacks, as well as fruit-based face creams and ointments that will give your skin a boost of energy. Nutritious juices and smoothies will also be on the menu, the perfect refreshment for a hot August day.

Besides all the traditional summer fruits and berries, this event will also be graced by a less-expected produce: tomatoes. That’s because scientifically and botanically speaking, tomatoes are as fruit as they get, even though their culinary usage has brought them closer to vegetables. EcoVisio has decided to honour the tomato’s less mainstream identity and in the spirit of inclusiveness, bring it to Fruit Fest among its more popular family members. And let’s be honest, who hasn’t taken a bite out of a tomato as it were an apple, savouring all of its juicy freshness?

However, Fruit Fest is about more than just eating. Several local NGOs working on organic agriculture and sustainable development will also be present. Visitors can pop by their stands to learn some valuable information and tips about fruit, such as the different kinds of organic certification and where they can find chemical-free fruits & veggies.

Admission to Fruit Fest is absolutely free, so everyone is welcome to join in the fruity fun, especially children. Not only will they be surrounded by tasty fruits and sweets, but we have a bunch of child-friendly activities planned throughout the day, guaranteed to keep your little ones active and smiling.

The event is part of EcoVisio’s #FoodIsLove campaign, promoting a healthy and eco-responsible diet. The idea behind the campaign is to shift our perception on the food we consume, understanding it not as the result of hunger and cravings, but also as love - for ourselves, for the communities that produce it, and not least of all, for the planet.

Fruit Fest Moldova is organized by EcoVisio with support from the Swedish Government

When: August 18th 2018, 11 AM - 6 PM

Where: UTM park (enter from Studenților St.)

Contact person: Daniela Luca, tel. 0609 75 655, email .

Facebook event page:

Vendors’ application form:

FruitFest Moldova 2018


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