Collaborate for Impact

The project “Collaborate for Impact" – (development of social entrepreneurship and social investments towards economic and social cohesion in the Eastern Partnership) is a unique five-year long project (2020-2025), led by the European Venture Philanthropy Association (EVPA), with the support of the European Union, and in collaboration with partner organisations in the region’s countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova (EcoVisio), Ukraine.

The aim of the project is to develop a more favourable social entrepreneurship ecosystem in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine.

This will be done through raising awareness, promotion of social innovation and exchanges with various policy and decision-making stakeholders that will ultimately lead to increasing the number of social investors, social entrepreneurs, and collaboration across the region. As a result, civil society organisations and social enterprises will benefit from social investment to become sustainable and have a positive socieal impact.

The goals of this project are:

  • Awareness raising and promotion of social innovation
    Showcases presentation of social innovation, social investment and mission driven business, to increase public recognition and understanding of the impact of social entrepreneurship.
  • Policy dialogue and engagement
    Presentation of how the policy and regulatory environment can serve the development of the social entrepreneurship sector and economy overall, by presenting practices from other CEE countries and Western Europe. Through policy activities and engagement with different networks, we will encourage local stakeholders to invest in advocacy efforts to shape local and national policies promoting social investment and entrepreneurship.

  • Engaging with local social investors, social entrepreneurs, civil society organisations, impact funds
    Sharing examples of other successful programmes to build their capacity and improve social inclusion skills, entrepreneurial and management skills (marketing and finance, business planning and development, skills for growth and scaling), and impact reporting skills.

  • Establishing venture philanthropy funds* (Link:
    Developing new business models and providing tailor made technical support (non-financial support) and financial support offered through the establishment of venture philanthropy funds. This will strengthen existing social enterprises, civil society organisations, and purpose-driven businesses in the Eastern Partnership countries (including Moldova).

Venture Philanthropy is a high-engagement and long-term approach whereby an investor for impact supports a social purpose organisation (SPO) to help it maximise its social impact.

Contract persons:

  • Aina Idrisova, +373 798 74 348 / 
  • Daniela Gurschi, +373 697 59 859 / 

This project is funded by the European Union and led by the European Venture Philanthropy Association (EVPA).

The content of this page is the sole responsibility of EcoVisio and does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.


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