IarmarEco 2019


IarmarEco, i.e. Fair of Ecological Opportunities and Social Entrepreneurship, is an annual event that brings together the key figures of the field of ecology and social activism in Moldova. The main difference of this fair from others is the combination of the exhibition with sales, networking, interactive presentations and lessons, as well as convergence with nature in an urban context.

EcoVisio launched IarmarEco in 2013 as an opportunity to create ecological and community traditions for a sustainable future of Moldova. Since then, every autumn comes with a new edition, true to the principles that IarmarEco has set from the beginning. You can see the evolution of IarmarEco over the years on www.iarmareco.md.

”"IarmarEco has emerged from the desire to bring local protagonists to the forefront and to provide a forum for all who are doing well in the region"
Maxim Pijevskii, EcoVisio Executive Director

Already in its seventh edition, IarmarEco promises to please us this year with a healthy and "green" fair for people, their bags and soul. Approximately 150 exhibitors are expected at the fair, with a great variety of local, artisanal and ecological products. These will include many civic organizations and initiatives, both from the field of ecology and from other fields of activism.

Particular attention at IarmarEco 2019 will be paid to waste reduction and recycling. As part of the event, a national e-waste collection campaign and an online platform „Fără Deșeuri” will be launched, coordinated by Hai Moldova team with the support of EcoVisio. Those interested in these topics will find informative materials and practical lessons, as well as watch for the first time in Republic of Moldova the movie “The Soviet Garden” by Dragos Turea.

What awaits you this year at IarmarEco:

For taste - garden and orchard goodies, raw-vegan products, sweet, salty or spicy dishes, sourdough bread, cold pressed oils, forest hazelnuts, pastas according to grandma’s recipes, walnuts and herbal teas.

For hands - eco-bags, Gastronomic Theater, nutrition lessons and cooking workshops, clay modeling and carpet weaving.

For body - cosmetics based on natural ingredients, soap nuts, fashion for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers, FreeShop with free clothes.

For soul - relaxation area on the green grass with hammocks, blankets and straw bales, instrumental music, yoga sessions and movies.

For children - wooden toys, wooden and textile decor for kids room, bed linen for children, kids’ houses - wigwams, metrics and posters, a play area and a place for breastfeeding and baby changing.

We really care for the word ”Eco” from ”IarmarEco”, and we are happy to be visited by people who share our concern over the environmental problems. Therefore, if you come with bags, bottles, thermos and other reusable containers, you will get discounts on purchases and will automatically participate in the lottery with prizes.

IarmarEco 2019 is organized with the support of Technical Assistance Facility of the Green for Growth Fund (GGF TAF), funded by European Union under EU4Energy initiative, and with additional support from Sweden.


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