IarmarEco Regional

IarmarEco Regional

It’s a bit unfair that our favorite event IarmarEco is not only once a year, but also only in Chisinau. So, in 2018, we invited our alumni to apply for holding a Regional IarmarEco in their locality. The offers underwent a selection process, and the two “winning” ones received a small support from EcoVisio:

1. IarmarEco Regional Todirești - 26th of August 2018 - was organized by HarapAlb alumni from village Todirești, Ungheni district, under the leadership of Maria Ianachi, Andreea Ciochina and Alina Sula in the park "Coada Rîpei" and hosted around 200 visitors, mostly locals: women, men, many children and youth, and a few guests from other villages and cities of Moldova. One of the highlights was that the young organizers were selling homemade lemonade as a means of fundraising for a swing in the community park.

         You will find more photos here.        

2. IarmarEco Regional ”Medogon” - 8th of September 2018 - was organized by ActiveOrganic alumna, Elena Stepanova, at the “Poiata” pension in village Goian, Dubăsari district. The festival hosted around 50 visitors, mostly locals: women, men, youth and children, and a few guests from the cities of Tiraspol and Chișinău. The event had a goal to inform the visitors about the benefits of honey products and the process of honey extraction. The guests also could have a taste of the local culture and folklore.


         You will find more photos here.        


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