Inspirational Movie Nights

movie nightMega

In 2015, together with activEco alumni, EcoVisio has founded, in collaboration with the “Tudor Arghezi” Library, Chisinau, a new initiative and tradition – inspirational movie nights with environmental and social topics. This initiative has a number of objectives, with the most important ones being:

  1. contribution to our personal development, as we also need to relax sometimes, and if this could be done in parallel with learning about new things, that is great;
  2. promotion of documentaries that motivate people to think about many things, including, in particular, themselves; and inspire them to act;
  3. communication with like-minded people, strengthening existing relationships and setting base for the new ones – both personal and professional.

So far, we have managed to organize five events with a vast range of movies – including “I am”, “Trashed”, “Four horsemen”, “Home”. The choice depends on our and our guests’ interests, and the possibility to find the film, either on DVD or as an open-source. The films are usually demonstrated in English, with Romanian or Russian subtitles, and then we move on to free discussions about the things seen and the feelings and thoughts provoked.

The entrance to such events is free; however, the guests can follow the “Pay-as-you-wish” principle and choose to make a contribution, as much or as little as they feel, to support the continuation of the initiative.

This project unites different activists from Chisinau and offers them, as well as to other interested people, a space to meet, watch movies with environmental and social topics, and discuss them in a safe environment that supports emergence of new ideas.


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