Rîşcova-Ivancea forest trail

A forest trail is a path crossing a forest, arranged and designed to offer a certain experience: to be the shortest way, or to be the destination itself, with an itinerary created for exploration.

The Rîşcova - Ivancea Lake trail aims to explore the full potential of the forest that connects the Criuleni and Orhei districts, as well as the community living around this forest. In fact, it will be an opportunity to get off the beaten track, in order to observe the local fauna and flora, to practice outdoor activities or to simply enjoy the nature.

Preparations for the trail set-up began in 2019, as an EcoVisio initiative and with the financial support of the US Forest Service. Until now, a small group of locals and members of the EcoVisio team have made several "reconnaissance" visits in the forest, looking for the most attractive sights and points of interest. With the route now being established, the trail was marked with help of the children of the Forest Explorers Club from Rîșcova, while two information panels were installed on the both ends of the trail. The Rîşcova-Ivancea lake forest trail was opened for hiking starting June 9th 2019.

Riscova forest trail
Traseu forestier 3

The 5 km route will cross the forest between Rîșcova and Ivancea, an oak forest that is part of the larger body of the Ivancea forest, which is approximately 100 years old and covers an area of ​​~ 500 ha. This whole segment of forest is part of the National Park Orhei. The trail can be crossed both on foot and by bike, and will be accessible for experienced hikers, as well as beginners. The forest trail will have two starting points: one next to the church in the Rîșcova village, and the other will be located on the shore of Ivancea Lake, where a beautiful sight of the lake and the afar off village is revealed.

Traseu forestier 4
Traseu forestier 6




Technical summary of the Rîșcova-Ivancea Lake trail

Distance: ~5 km

Duration: ~1.5 h (~3 ore both ways)

Difficulty: easy

Ascension / descent (Riscova -> Ivancea): 120 / 180m

Best seasons for hiking: accessible all year round, although crossing the trail in rainy weather or in the winter-spring season can be problematic.

Altitude variations - the forest trail Rîşcova-Ivancea lake


Map of the Rîşcova- Ivancea lake forest trail

Contact person: Anastasia Costișanu, +373 69753284,

              Implemented by Financed by
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