Social Entrepreneurship and Social Economy for everyone

The project "Social Entrepreneurship and Social Economy for everyone" aims to strengthen the position of social entrepreneurship in the information and legislative field of the Republic of Moldova. At the same time, the project contributes to sustainable economic development and increased resilience to future crises by promoting social entrepreneurship and social economy. The aim of the project will be achieved through various activities such as organising webinars and offline events, running an information campaign on social entrepreneurship, organising a public event as part of the Social Entrepreneurship Month and advocating for the inclusion of key SE concepts in state strategic documents. Expected outcomes include a favourable information environment with relevant and inspiring materials on social entrepreneurship, new connections and useful knowledge in the field gained by beneficiaries, and favourable legislative changes for the sector. In this way, we will continue and ensure the sustainability of EcoVisio's activities but also of the whole community of social entrepreneurs over the past years.

Project's objectives:

Objective 1

Explanatory materials on the concepts of social economy and social entrepreneurship are widespread and reached an audience of at least 5000 people in 2023-2024.

Objective 2

The concepts of social economy and social entrepreneurship are presented and addressed in public discussions and other government events involving the voluntary sector.

Project's activities:

Activity 1.1

Inform and popularise the concept of social entrepreneurship and social economy.

Conduct information and education events in the form of webinars and offline meetings with target audiences (including sessions in educational institutions).

Activity 1.2

Information campaign on Social Entrepreneurship

Create and promote podcasts, explainer videos, interviews, media articles, short videos (reels) and the Impact Heroes success story collection.

Activity 1.3

Public event to raise awareness of the target area in Social Entrepreneurship Month.

Holding a public event to raise awareness and promote the concepts of social entrepreneurship and social economy, and holding Impact Days 2024 (Social Entrepreneurship Month - May, 2024).

Activity 2.1

Advocacy for the inclusion of key concepts in state strategic documents.

Advocacy activities, such as attending meetings of relevant institutions.

Activity 2.2

Constant information to the social entrepreneurship ecosystem on the most important news and changes in the field.

Creating and publishing information materials on Social Entrepreneurship and related fields. Articles, short explanatory and informative documents.


  • Marina Cebanu (project director): 
  • Iana Cușnir (PR expert):

This project is carried out by "AO EcoVisio" with the support of the East-European Foundation, from resources provided by the European Union and Sweden.


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