Platform on Social Entrepreneurship in Moldova

The Platform for the Development of Social Entrepreneurship (PDAS) in the Republic of Moldova launched its activities in July 2021 and will carry out advocacy activities for social entrepreneurship development policies, promote the concept of social entrepreneurship at the national level and promote the interests of social entrepreneurs.


  1. Creation and development of the Platform for the Development of Social Entrepreneurship (PDAS).
  2. Develop and implement an advocacy agenda for more inclusive social entrepreneurship development policies.
  3. Increasing the visibility and recognition of the social entrepreneurship sector by involving various actors in public events.


The participant(s) of the platform can become: any social enterprise; SRL; NGO or individual. One can become a member of the Platform for the Development of Social Entrepreneurship if the following criteria are met:

  • Work in this field or in a field related to the field of social entrepreneurship;
  • Be an apolitical structure;
  • Take the responsibility to actively participate in the platform and contribute to the achievement of the Aims and Objectives of the social entrepreneurship development platform.

Individuals or legal entities submit to the Secretariat of the Platform a standard application for membership in the Platform for the Development of Social Entrepreneurship in the Republic of Moldova. The application for membership will be considered and put to a vote at the next meeting of the Board of the Platform. Membership in the Platform will be obtained by a majority vote of the Council.


  • Participate in events organized by the Platform;
  • Make suggestions, opinions, conclusions on the topics discussed;
  • Propose draft statements or topical communications;
  • Be involved in learning activities/opportunities within the Platform;
  • Propose and participate in the development of platform documents.

You can find more detailed information in the Platform Regulations, HERE.


27 individuals and organizations have joined as members of the Social Entrepreneurship Development Platform in Moldova and 5 organizations are members of the PDAS Council;

general meetings are organized every year with all members of the organization;

The Advocacy Program and Implementation Plan were created and published:


Submitted a document outlining the position of the Platform to Law no. 205 of 06.12.2021 State budget for 2022 in the Parliament and relevant bodies:

Organized SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP FORUM in MOLDOVA for civil society and actors from social economy field. 

We organized the POLICY LAB - a series of networking events and discussions for several actors in the field of the social economy. As a result - a set of RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE IMPROVEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP ECOSYSTEM IN THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA.

We organized in partnership with other actors in the field 2 big events: the SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP AWARD with the awarding of the PRIZE FOR SOCIAL AND IMPACT ENTREPRENEURS in 2022 and IMPACT DAYS (the first Social and Green Economy Business Summit in the Republic of Moldova) in 2023.

The Platform for the Development of Social Entrepreneurship is also part of the ad hoc Working Group on Social Entrepreneurship at the Economic Council under the Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova from 2023.


  • Sergiu Gurau, The President of the Platform +373 796 41 243 /  
  • Laurențiu Racu, The Assistant of the Platform +373 688 14 416 /   
  • Daniela Gurschi, +373 697 59 859 / 

The platform for the development of social entrepreneurship in Moldova is managed by the "Social Entrepreneurship HUB", launched by AO EcoVisio, with the support of the East European Foundation, from the resources granted by the European Union and Sweden.


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